Tuesday, June 11, 2019

SQL Server Automated DB Backup with logs (SQL DBA)

Taking a full backup of database through Management Studio is not a hard job, but its not a normal practice, In this blog we will show how to automate the process and manage backup files.
We will also maintain a log file to get the results of automated backup scripts.

Defining Standards:

Defining organization level Standards for all data operations are always very important when we are dealing with the management of database, Naming conventions, specified disks for specified operations, privileges, all are important aspects for database management. Below are some pre-defined standards for our backup strategy.
  • We need a full backup every mid-night.
  • Backup folder path will be c:\backup1\
  • Within above mentioned folder c:\backup1, we will create new folder for each day backup, folder naming conventions will be
    • <servername>_current date_day of year i.e (DCS2-PMB_20190610_161)
  • We will already create an empty test file with the name backup_log.txt
Defining Script

  • Below part of script is checking with c:\backup1 folder for the current day backup, if its already there then delete the whole folder with backup, and then recreate new folder for the current day backup as we have decided in our standards that there will be only one full backup per day.

  • Below part of script is taking full backup of database, first line is taking backup to the specified folder and last 3 lines are sending message to the already created log file backup_log.txt.

  • Below part of script is verifying the database backup and sending message in log file for successful or un-successful case.

Full Script
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;  -- To update the currently configured value for advanced options. 
RECONFIGURE;  -- To enable the feature. 
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;  -- To update the currently configured value for this feature. 

--  variable declarations for database backup job

DECLARE @day varchar(3);
DECLARE @date varchar(50);
DECLARE @opr_date varchar(150);
DECLARE @file nvarchar(200);
DECLARE @path varchar(100);
DECLARE @server varchar(50);
DECLARE @prefolder varchar(50);
DECLARE @folder varchar(100);
DECLARE @backup nvarchar(200);
DECLARE @email_message nvarchar(200);
DECLARE @rmdircmd nvarchar(200);
DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(200);
DECLARE @rows numeric;
DECLARE @backup_message varchar(100);

--  assign declared variables with desired backup path

SET @day = RIGHT('000' + CAST(DATEPART(dy, @date) AS varchar(3)),3);
SET @prefolder = @server + '_'+ @date + '_' + @day + '\'
SET @folder = 'C:\BACKUP1\'  + @prefolder;                    
SET @file = @server + '_DaddsMgmtCS2_DEV_' + @date + '_' + @day + '.bak';
SET @backup = @server + '_DaddsMgmtCS2_DEV_' + @date + '_' + @day;
SET @path = @folder + @file;
SET @cmd = 'RMDIR ' + @folder;
SET @opr_date = format(getdate(),'MM/dd/yyyy');
-- creating a temp table to hold all directories name
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DirectoryTree')IS NOT NULL
drop table #DirectoryTree
CREATE TABLE #DirectoryTree (
       Directory varchar(200)

 INSERT INTO #DirectoryTree
 EXEC master.dbo.xp_subdirs 'c:\backup1'  -- getting all directories within c:\backup folder

--Check if today's backup is already there
select * from #DirectoryTree where SUBSTRING(directory,10,8) = REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(),102), '.', '')

SET @rows =@@ROWCOUNT  
if @rows > 0               -- if its not first backup for today
       EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd  --- delete already existing folder
       EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir @folder
 --  create a new folder for the backup on nsof-pmb          
EXECUTE master..xp_create_subdir @folder;

--  backup the database to the specified name & path
BACKUP DATABASE [DaddsMgmtCS2_DEV] To DISK=@path WITH CHECKSUM, FORMAT, DESCRIPTION = 'Full backup of Database DaddsMgmtCS2_DEV', NAME=@backup;
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo ############################################################################# >> c:\backup1\backup_log.txt'
SET @backup_message = 'echo Backup Completed on ' + cast(getdate() as varchar) + ' >> c:\backup1\backup_log.txt'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @backup_message

--  verify
restore verifyonly from disk = @path 
If @@error = 0
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo Backup verified successfully >> c:\backup1\backup_log.txt'
--print 'Backup Verified Successfull'
--            SET @email_message =  'Backup is successfully verified';
exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo Backup can not verified  >> c:\backup1\backup_log.txt'

EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0; 
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0; 


Script can be run either by
  • Running directly from SQL Server Management Studio
  • Can be scheduled through SQL Server Agent Job on daily basis
  • Saved as stored procedure and call through windows task scheduler
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